Welcome to Waking Up Well, a column where we hand-select people we admire and ask them to share how they start the day. We think morning routines are a crucial part of an intentional wellness journey and we’re fascinated by the practices of our favorite figures.

Debbie Levin has spent the last 26 years of her life as CEO of the Environmental Media Association (EMA), where she continues to show up every day to drive environmental change in the entertainment industry. In her time at EMA, she’s launched the EMA Green Seal for more sustainable productions, started a forum uniting figures across business, media, and advocacy, and accomplished many other wins — big and small. Most of the work that EMA does leverages industry and talent to be the voice for climate issues and a sustainable lifestyle. We love the idea of implementing better sustainable systems and bringing visibility to these topics — so you can imagine our excitement when we first met Debbie!

As with any advocacy work, Debbie begins by waking up each morning and showing up for herself first. She lives at the heart of media and entertainment in Los Angeles, an ever-changing landscape that she’s constantly working to improve. Yet even after all these years, she’s still eager to get back at it every morning. After the fires earlier this year, she’s been even more enmeshed in supporting local communities and helping process the collective loss and state of shock. 

Below, we hear more from her on the reason she hops out of bed each morning and how she gets it done each day. ✨

6:00 am | Glance at green & collagen protein ☕️

Damn, wouldn’t it be great if I could actually sleep past 6:00….ever? No alarm, no more kids to get to school, and yet, my eyes pop open and I’m up and out of bed! Living in one of the canyons in LA, being surrounded by trees and vegetation is so important to me. As an environmentalist, being able to wake up and look out at all that green literally nourishes me.

Lucky for me, my husband prepares the coffee (organic, of course!) and I push the button to bring it to life. Although I’m not a “home espresso” person, I am a “home foam” person. It’s the best. I grab my laptop and pop it open. I scoop Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides in my coffee mug and finish my very hot coffee off with the foam and cinnamon on top. I’ve been using Vital Proteins for at least 3 years or so and my hair has never been thicker and healthier! Then I turn on the news and begin my morning.

6:30 am | News & emails 💻

My brain really does snap on the second I wake up. It’s crazy, but that’s my magic time. I’m focused and ready to go. I sit on a high-top chair at my kitchen island and look out at the pool and garden and start with emails. I know that sounds so intense, but it’s peaceful and satisfying for me. I have my remote and I flip through news streaming on TV as I read the top headlines of the day. (I’m an information junkie!)  

I also love to clean up waiting emails. My staff is totally used to my early morning energetic communications! I’ll admit I take breaks and Google travel destinations for future trips. Our dear friends and EMA supporters, Montage International have properties in all the most beautiful places, so that’s always my first stop to browse.

7:45 am | Standard omelet & organic tea 🍵

I wait until I’m caught up on the computer to have breakfast. My meal is always the same every day and always sourced organically: an omelet made of one whole egg, egg whites, and either fresh spinach or half an avocado with some mozzarella cheese. This is accompanied by a cup of hot tea. Traditional Medicinals is the only brand I drink — fully organic made with flowers and herbs, B-Corp, and beyond delicious. Mornings are always peppermint, but I’ll do Throat Coat if I’m feeling under the weather.

8:00 am | Clean skincare & booking yoga 🧘‍♀️

I head to the shower followed by my morning skincare regimen. I love Biologique Recherche — their Lotion P50V 1070 is my morning/evening standard. I also use their Crème ADN Metamorphique which is yummy and so moisturizing. SkinMedica’s TNS Advanced+ Serum is a must for mature skin. I’m also loving my new find, Ilia’s Bright Start Retinol Alternative Eye Cream. (I use their amazing lip crayon too! It’s my go-to.) 

At this point, I take a look at the rest of my day and plan where it will end. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how important yoga is for me. It centers me — but it’s something that seems to work better for me late in the day. My mind is racing too fast for a morning workout so if I wrap up my meetings in time or don’t do a grandchild school pick-up, I plan for a late afternoon session to release the business of the busy day. Although, of course, that “kid pick-up” is the most fulfilling activity there is for me — so I’ll always take that over anything else!

Featured image courtesy of Debbie Levin